Conference : Luchino Visconti today: the value of an artistic legacy , Trieste, Università degli Studi di Trieste, 12 maggio 2017, (speech: Parental figures in the cinema of Luchino Visconti).
      Seminar: David Lynch between art and cinema, Venezia, Palazzo Grassi, March, 16 (speech: David Lynch between art and cinema).
Contaminations and shifts between psychoanalysis, cinema, multimedia and visual arts , Padova, Università degli Studi di Padova, November 28-29, 2019, (speech: American Horror Story : the multidimensional body)
      Conference: The Big History and the small screen. About the Period Drama , Varese, Università dell’Insubria di Varese, October, 4-5 (speech: Making 70’s. Mindhunter : The Story, a story, the stories).
      Conference: Desire destinies, in the theory and practice of psychoanalysis , Milan, Palazzo Reale, November 23, (speech: The miracle of form).
      Festival KUM! The origin of Life (scientific direction of Massimo Recalcati , Ancora, October, 16-18, (speech: At the origin of a new life: worldbuilding in contemporary television fiction).
Moon , Varese, Università dell’Insubria di Varese, October, 25, (speech: The 1969 moon landing on television programs)
      Conference: Absurd idea for a filmaker.
International conference: Translation is knowledge , Milano, Università IULM, September, 25, (speech: Subtitling White Teeth  twenty years later: socio-cultural asynchrony of a television adaptation, with Mara Logaldo).
International conference: Beyond the Book Review , Milano, Università IULM, June, 3-5 (speech: Serial fiction and review strategies: system, concept, pilot, story).
Scientific referee:Â Comunicazioni Sociali, Bianco e Nero, Cinergie, GentesĬonferences and seminar participation (main, last 4 years).
Scientific committee member of the editorial series History and Stories of the Contemporary World, Mimesis.
Conference organization and coordination: The Big History and the small screen. About the Period Drama , Varese, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, October, 4-5, 2018.
      Television dramaturgy, Università degli Studi di Torino.
      Semiotic, Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreÂ.
      Radio and television language theory and technique, Università degli Studi di Trento.
      Radio and television history, Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreÂ.
      Communication languages and tools, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano.
      Cinema history and criticism, Università degli Studi di Trento.
      Theory and technique of audiovisual language, Università degli Studi di Trento.
      Television and cross-media languages, Università dell’Insubria.
      Mass communication theories and techniques, Università dell’Insubria.
      Audiovisual translation, IULM, Milano.
Storytelling and tv fiction, Università dell’Insubria.